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This document describes how to we do "RLops" to validate new features / bug fixes and avoid introducing regressions.


DRL is brittle and has a series of reproducibility issues — even bug fixes sometimes could introduce performance regression (e.g., see how a bug fix of contact force in MuJoCo results in worse performance for PPO). Therefore, it is essential to understand how the proposed changes impact the performance of the algorithms. At large, we wish to distinguish two types of contributions: 1) non-performance-impacting changes and 2) performance-impacting changes.

  • non-performance-impacting changes: this type of change does not impact the performance of the algorithm, such as documentation fixes ( #282), renaming variables ( #257), and removing unused code ( #287). For this type of change, we can easily merge them without worrying too much about the consequences.
  • performance-impacting changes: this type of change impacts the algorithm's performance. Examples include making a slight modification to the gamma parameter in PPO ( #209), properly handling action bounds in DDPG ( #211), and fixing bugs ( #281)

Importantly, regardless of the slight difference in performance-impacting changes, we need to re-run the benchmark to ensure there is no regression. This post proposes a way for us to re-run the model and check regression seamlessly.


(Step 1) Run the benchmark

Given a new feature, we create a PR and then run the benchmark experiments through, such as the following:

poetry install --with mujoco,pybullet
python -c "import mujoco_py"
xvfb-run -a python -m cleanrl_utils.benchmark \
    --env-ids HalfCheetah-v2 Walker2d-v2 Hopper-v2 \
    --command "poetry run python cleanrl/ --track --capture-video" \
    --num-seeds 3 \
    --workers 1

under the hood, this script will invoke an --autotag feature that tries to tag the the experiments with version control information, such as the git tag (e.g., v1.0.0b2-8-g6081d30) and the github PR number (e.g., pr-299). This is useful for us to compare the performance of the same algorithm across different versions.

(Step 2) Regression check

Let's say our latest experiments is tagged with pr-299. We can then run the following command to compare its performance with our pilot experiments rlops-pilot. Note that the pilot experiments include all experiments before we started using RLops (i.e., rlops-pilot is the baseline).

python -m cleanrl_utils.rlops --exp-name ddpg_continuous_action \
    --wandb-project-name cleanrl \
    --wandb-entity openrlbenchmark \
    --tags 'pr-299' 'rlops-pilot' \
    --env-ids HalfCheetah-v2 Walker2d-v2 Hopper-v2 \
    --output-filename compare.png \
    --scan-history \
    --metric-last-n-average-window 100 \
CleanRL's ddpg_continuous_action (pr-299) in HalfCheetah-v2 has 3 runs
┣━━ HalfCheetah-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__4__1667280971 with tags = ['pr-299', 'v1.0.0b2-8-g6081d30']
┣━━ HalfCheetah-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__3__1667271574 with tags = ['pr-299', 'v1.0.0b2-8-g6081d30']
┣━━ HalfCheetah-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__2__1667261986 with tags = ['pr-299', 'v1.0.0b2-8-g6081d30']
CleanRL's ddpg_continuous_action (pr-299) in Walker2d-v2 has 3 runs
┣━━ Walker2d-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__4__1667284233 with tags = ['pr-299', 'v1.0.0b2-8-g6081d30']
┣━━ Walker2d-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__3__1667274709 with tags = ['pr-299', 'v1.0.0b2-8-g6081d30']
┣━━ Walker2d-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__2__1667265261 with tags = ['pr-299', 'v1.0.0b2-8-g6081d30']
CleanRL's ddpg_continuous_action (pr-299) in Hopper-v2 has 3 runs
┣━━ Hopper-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__4__1667287363 with tags = ['pr-299', 'v1.0.0b2-8-g6081d30']
┣━━ Hopper-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__3__1667277826 with tags = ['pr-299', 'v1.0.0b2-8-g6081d30']
┣━━ Hopper-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__2__1667268434 with tags = ['pr-299', 'v1.0.0b2-8-g6081d30']
CleanRL's ddpg_continuous_action (rlops-pilot) in HalfCheetah-v2 has 3 runs
┣━━ HalfCheetah-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__3__1651008691 with tags = ['latest', 'rlops-pilot']
┣━━ HalfCheetah-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__2__1651004631 with tags = ['latest', 'rlops-pilot']
┣━━ HalfCheetah-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__1__1651000539 with tags = ['latest', 'rlops-pilot']
CleanRL's ddpg_continuous_action (rlops-pilot) in Walker2d-v2 has 3 runs
┣━━ Walker2d-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__3__1651008768 with tags = ['latest', 'rlops-pilot']
┣━━ Walker2d-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__2__1651004640 with tags = ['latest', 'rlops-pilot']
┣━━ Walker2d-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__1__1651000539 with tags = ['latest', 'rlops-pilot']
CleanRL's ddpg_continuous_action (rlops-pilot) in Hopper-v2 has 3 runs
┣━━ Hopper-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__3__1651008797 with tags = ['latest', 'rlops-pilot']
┣━━ Hopper-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__2__1651004715 with tags = ['latest', 'rlops-pilot']
┣━━ Hopper-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__1__1651000539 with tags = ['latest', 'rlops-pilot']

               CleanRL's ddpg_continuous_action (pr-299) CleanRL's ddpg_continuous_action (rlops-pilot)
HalfCheetah-v2                         10210.57 ± 196.22                              9205.65 ± 1093.88
Walker2d-v2                             1661.14 ± 250.01                               1447.09 ± 260.24
Hopper-v2                               1007.44 ± 148.29                               1126.37 ± 278.02

which could generate the table above, which reports the mean and standard deviation of the performance of the algorithm in the last 100 episodes by scanning the entire training data (enabled by --scan-history).


To make the script run faster, we can choose not to use --scan-history which allows wandb to sample 500 data points from the training data. This is the default behavior and is much faster.

It also generates the following image and a wandb report.


Support for multiple tags, their inclusions and exclusions, and filter by users: The syntax looks like --tags "tag1;tag2!tag3;tag4?user1", where tag1 and tag2 are included, tag3 and tag4 are excluded, and user1 is included. Here are some examples:

python -m cleanrl_utils.rlops --exp-name ddpg_continuous_action_jax \
    --wandb-project-name cleanrl \
    --wandb-entity openrlbenchmark \
    --tags 'pr-298?costa-huang' 'rlops-pilot?costa-huang' \
    --env-ids Hopper-v2 Walker2d-v2 HalfCheetah-v2 \
    --output-filename compare.png \

python -m cleanrl_utils.rlops --exp-name ddpg_continuous_action_jax \
    --wandb-project-name cleanrl \
    --wandb-entity openrlbenchmark \
    --tags 'pr-298?joaogui1' 'rlops-pilot?joaogui1' \
    --env-ids Hopper-v2 Walker2d-v2 HalfCheetah-v2 \
    --output-filename compare.png \


The RLops procedure (e.g., cleanrl_utils.rlops script) is still in its early stage. Please feel free to open an issue if you have any questions or suggestions.

(Step 3) Update the documentation

Once we confirm there is no regression in the performance, we can update the documentation to display the new benchmark results. Run the previous command without comparing previous tags:

python -m cleanrl_utils.rlops --exp-name ddpg_continuous_action \
    --wandb-project-name cleanrl \
    --wandb-entity openrlbenchmark \
    --tags 'pr-299' \
    --env-ids HalfCheetah-v2 Walker2d-v2 Hopper-v2 \
    --output-filename compare.png \
    --scan-history \
    --metric-last-n-average-window 100

which gives us a table like below and a compare.png as the learning curve.

               CleanRL's ddpg_continuous_action (pr-299)
HalfCheetah-v2                         10210.57 ± 196.22
Walker2d-v2                             1661.14 ± 250.01
Hopper-v2                               1007.44 ± 148.29

We will use them to update the experimental result section in the docs and replace the learning curves with the new ones.

(Step 4) Update the tags

As the last step before merging the PR, we shall update the wandb labels. We would label the new experiments as latest (and remove the tag latest for v1.0.0b2-7-gxfd3d3 correspondingly.

python -m cleanrl_utils.rlops_tags \
    --add latest \
    --source-tag pr-299 \
    --exp-name ddpg_continuous_action \
    --wandb-project-name cleanrl \
    --wandb-entity openrlbenchmark
You are about to make the following changes:
Adding the tag 'latest' to HalfCheetah-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__3__1667429781, which has tags ['pr-299', 'v1.0.0b2-8-g6081d30']
Adding the tag 'latest' to Hopper-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__3__1667425897, which has tags ['pr-299', 'v1.0.0b2-8-g6081d30']
Adding the tag 'latest' to Walker2d-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__3__1667422863, which has tags ['pr-299', 'v1.0.0b2-8-g6081d30']
Adding the tag 'latest' to HalfCheetah-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__2__1667419688, which has tags ['pr-299', 'v1.0.0b2-8-g6081d30']
Adding the tag 'latest' to Hopper-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__2__1667415702, which has tags ['pr-299', 'v1.0.0b2-8-g6081d30']
Adding the tag 'latest' to Walker2d-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__2__1667412699, which has tags ['pr-299', 'v1.0.0b2-8-g6081d30']
Adding the tag 'latest' to HalfCheetah-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__1__1667409617, which has tags ['pr-299', 'v1.0.0b2-8-g6081d30']
Adding the tag 'latest' to Hopper-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__1__1667405668, which has tags ['pr-299', 'v1.0.0b2-8-g6081d30']
Adding the tag 'latest' to Walker2d-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__1__1667402741, which has tags ['pr-299', 'v1.0.0b2-8-g6081d30']

Are you sure you want to proceed? (y/n):

Press y to confirm the changes after reviewing them.

Then, we shall remove the tag latest from the previous experiments.

python -m cleanrl_utils.rlops_tags \
    --remove latest \
    --source-tag rlops-pilot \
    --exp-name ddpg_continuous_action \
    --wandb-project-name cleanrl \
    --wandb-entity openrlbenchmark
Removing the tag 'latest' from Walker2d-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__1__1656400724, which has tags ['latest', 'rlops-pilot']
Removing the tag 'latest' from Walker2d-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__2__1656400725, which has tags ['latest', 'rlops-pilot']
Removing the tag 'latest' from HalfCheetah-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__1__1656400725, which has tags ['latest', 'rlops-pilot']
Removing the tag 'latest' from Walker2d-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__3__1656400724, which has tags ['latest', 'rlops-pilot']
Removing the tag 'latest' from Hopper-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__2__1656400724, which has tags ['latest', 'rlops-pilot']
Removing the tag 'latest' from Hopper-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__3__1656400724, which has tags ['latest', 'rlops-pilot']
Removing the tag 'latest' from HalfCheetah-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__2__1656400724, which has tags ['latest', 'rlops-pilot']
Removing the tag 'latest' from HalfCheetah-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__3__1656400724, which has tags ['latest', 'rlops-pilot']
Removing the tag 'latest' from Hopper-v2__ddpg_continuous_action__1__1656400724, which has tags ['latest', 'rlops-pilot']

Are you sure you want to proceed? (y/n):
Press y to confirm the changes after reviewing them.

(Step 5) Merge the PR

Finally, we can merge the PR.


Here is a checklist that sumaizes the steps above.

  • [ ] Run the benchmark on the new code
  • [ ] Compare the results w/ the previous version via python -m cleanrl_utils.rlops
  • [ ] Update the tags
  • [ ] Once regression tests pass, update the documentation